North Carolina Education Facts 1,2
- 46,700 students did not graduate from North Carolina’s high schools in 2009.
- The lost lifetime earnings for these dropouts totals $12.1 billion.
- 44 percent of North Carolina eighth graders report being eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.
- 53 percent of economically disadvantaged students passed both reading and math state end-of-grade tests in 2010-11 school year
- 82 percent of non-economically disadvantaged students passed both reading and math state end-of-grade tests in 2010-11 school year
- 34 percent of students with limited English proficiency passed both reading and math state end-of-grade tests in 2010-11 school year.
- Although black students were 25.9 percent of Wake County public school enrollment in the last school year, they accounted for 57.6 percent of students who received one suspension.
- 17 percent of all black students received at least one suspension or expulsion.
- 3.4 percent of white students received at least one suspension or expulsion.
- Although special-education students were 12.7 percent of Wake County public school enrollment in the last school year, they accounted for 29.9 percent of students who received a suspension.
[1] Bullet #1 is from the Alliance for Excellence in Education’s research on the 2010-2011 school year,
[2] The rest of the bullets are from Education First NC School Report Cards,
North Carolina's 2010-11 4 & 5 -Year Cohort Graduation Rate
- 2010-11 Annual Report on School Crime and Violence, the Annual Study of Suspensions and Expulsions and the Annual Report on Dropout Events and Rate