About Track My Steps
Track My Steps is a nonprofit organization that supports and promotes high-quality education for North Carolina students. We believe that all North Carolina children should have the right to an early childhood education and parents a meaningful role throughout the process of their child’s education. By partnering with parents, community organizations, businesses, education and legislative decision-makers, Track My Steps works to close the economic and racial achievement gaps that keep all children from attaining the same high levels of success.
Track My Steps focuses on increasing parental involvement in the education process by helping parents understand school expectations, students’ accountability, and student rights. We also give them the tools and skills to be an advocate for their child. Through our initiatives, workshops, advocacy and other education resources for low-wealth and 1st generation students and families, Track My Steps works to help children prepare for kindergarten, succeed in school, graduate on time, and prepare for college, and the workforce.
Track My Steps provide resources and training that:
- Increases parental involvement in the education process
- Prepares students to approach their studies using critical thinking, analytically and leadership skills
- Teaches parents and students how to interact and develop positive relationships with students, teachers, principals and other decision-makers
- Enables parents to navigate the school system and serve as effective advocates for their children
- Helps parents and students understand and protect their educational rights
- Helps parents and students understand and meet school, teacher, grade and classroom expectations
- Promotes parent and student accountability, as well as personal and social responsibility
- Encourages kindergarten readiness, classroom proficiency and on-time graduation
Our Services
Track My Steps provides educational resources, training, and support for parents with children from Pre-K through high school graduation including:
Attending or assisting with parent/teacher conferences, Individualized Education Plans (IEP), Section 504 Plans, Student Support Teams (SST) and child advocacy.
- Assessing students in learning styles, career preparation, and 21st century subjects
- Connecting parents to the classroom
- Exposing students to college or careers for college and workforce readiness
- Providing test preparation and exposure for EOG, EOC, PSAT, SAT, ACT for students with higher academic proficiency
- Monitoring and tracking student performance to ensue on-time graduation
- Increasing parent involvement and student motivation
- Providing organization and academic awareness
- Building academic motivation
- We also offer a number of training classes and workshops.
Training Classess
Ready, Set, Read. Developed for pre-K throught 5th graders (ages 2-10), Ready, Set, Read promotes reading and comprehension skills that will serve as the foundation of all students success. Student teachers volunteer their time and resources to ensure that students are kindergarten-ready and EOG focused.
Operation MIDDLE. The ability to transition from elementary to middle school is a key indicator of a positive middle school experience. Students that are not able to transition successfully are at great risk for dropping out of school by the time they reach high school. The goal of Operation MIDDLE ----Moving in a Different Direction for a Lasting Education ----is to provide the emotional and academic support that students need to successfully make the middle school transition.
Race to 100. This program for 9th-12th graders emphasizes the importance of graduating on time and being prepared for college or the workforce. We provide a step-by-step plan that prepares students for EOC, PSAT, SAT, ACT, and/or career certifications. The program is led by certified teachers, professionals and community leaders, who volunteer their time and resources. High school students are exposed to leaders, who volunteer their time and resources. High school students are exposed to community college, university, workforce, and entrepreneurial experiences and role models.
Knowledge is Power(KIP): Know Your Rights and Resources.
Parental involvement is a key component to a student's educational success, and it looks different at every school level. KIP is a series of interactive workshops helping both parents and students learn about their educational rights and available academic resources. KIP emphasized parental involvement skills, empowers parents to advocate for their children, and also teaches students to advocate for themselves.
Read, Research, & Realize (3R).
3R is a hands-on demonstration that shows parents and students how to use online study guides, practice test, and study methods for 21st century core subjects, EOG, EOC, college prep tests, & career certifications. Future plans include an annual two-day economic and voter awareness role-playing workshop.